Raising awareness and preventing bullying is a fundamental factor in improving social development, as in most cases certain actions are not defined or are not seen as bullying.
Thus, the aim of this training is to raise awareness and inform people about this problem and, in addition, to provide guidelines to prevent it.
The sexual harassment and aggression awareness course aims to cover basic awareness of harassment of any kind, emphasising what is harassment at work, sexual and gender-based harassment, and what is not, how to detect it early and how to differentiate it from other phenomena.
However, the procedure of the harassment protocol will be explained, as well as the guidelines for an initial assessment. The syllabus will cover how the investigation committee is set up, what the investigation process is, the types of sanctions that exist and the resolution and communication.
In the sexual aggressions module, topics such as the prevention of sexual violence and the procedures for action in situations of sexual aggression will be dealt with. On the other hand, reference will be made to the modifications and characteristics of the Organic Law on Sexual Freedom.
In conclusion, the aim of this training is to promote knowledge of strategies to prevent the occurrence of harassment and to identify the different types of harassment.
At the same time, it is important to know how to detect the key figures who can be approached in the event of harassment. Therefore, it is essential to know the procedure to follow in the event of an investigation into harassment at work.
Online mode
Duration: 8 hours
Accreditation certificate
By a consultant on gender equality and opportunities
100% bonus course
We manage your subsidised training
Open online edition
Course now available
Didactic Guide
Module 1: What is Harassment?
- Unit 1. Workplace Harassment. Definition and indicators.
- Unit 2. Sexual harassment. Definition and indicators
- Unit 3.Harassment based on sex/gender. Definition and indicators
- Unit 4. Harassment in the digital sphere
Module 2: Prevention of sexual and/or gender-based harassment
- Unit 5. Guiding principles and good practices of prevention against sexual harassment and/or harassment based on sex
Module 3: Harassment protocol
- Unit 6. Investigation commission
- Unit 7. Action procedure
- Unit 8. Investigation process
- Unit 9. Resolution and communication
Module 4: Sexual Assaults
Unit 10. Organic Law to Guarantee Sexual Freedom. Modifications and features.
Unit 11. Prevention of sexual violence.
Unit 12. Procedures for action in situations of sexual assault.
- Know how to differentiate a situation of bullying from one that is not.
- Knowing the early indicators of a situation of harassment, avoiding the aggravation of the problem.
- Detect whether it is harassment at work, in any of its forms, or another psychosocial phenomenon (conflict, stress, burnout, etc.).
- Know strategies to prevent the appearance of cases of harassment.
- Identify the key figures who can be contacted in the event of harassment.
- To know the company’s procedure for action in the event of an investigation into harassment at work.
- To be aware of the guarantees as an employee involved in a harassment investigation process, and also of the corresponding sanctions that may be imposed.
- To explain the procedure for dealing with cases of sexual harassment.
- To know the modifications and characteristics of the Organic Law on Sexual Freedom.
- Establish the procedures for dealing with situations of sexual aggression.
En nuestros cursos apostamos por la gamificación, por lo que complementamos la formación teórica con actividades divertidas que ayuden a consolidar los conocimientos.
Trabajo en grupos
Casos reales
Ana López Ramos
Agente de Igualdad
Graduada en Psicología y especializada en Psicología del Trabajo, las Organizaciones y los Recursos Humanos, así como en la aplicación de la Psicología Positiva en los entornos laborales.
Con formación específica en perspectiva de género, así como en temas como el lenguaje inclusivo, género y salud, intervención en igualdad de oportunidades, perspectiva de género en sociología...
Actualmente, su trayectoria profesional incorpora la perspectiva de género al estudio de los riesgos psicosociales y a las intervenciones con organizaciones. Además es investigadora en el grupo GeST (Género, Salud y Trabajo) de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón.
Por un mundo donde seamos socialmente iguales, humanamente diferentes y totalmente libres. Rosa Luxemburgo
Técnica en Promoción de Igualdad de Género, con formación específica en Igualdad de Oportunidades para la aplicación práctica en servicios sociales y en políticas de igualdad para empresas.
Además, consta con formación para la implantación de técnicas y recursos para colectivos con necesidades educativas especiales.
Actualmente se dedica a desarrollar formación en igualdad de oportunidades y se dedica a la elaboración e implantación de diversos cursos basados en la inclusión y en la perspectiva de género.
Que nada nos limite. Que nada nos defina. Que nada nos sujete. Que la libertad sea nuestra propia sustancia. Simone de Beauvoir.
Jennifer Artiaga Mateos
Promotora de Igualdad
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Como sabemos, toda intervención se deriva de las deficiencias observados durante la fase de evaluación previa. Por lo tanto, a raíz de los resultados del diagnóstico realizado podemos combatir las discriminaciones y/o fomentar la igualdad en la organización mediante otras actuaciones.